Hi, I’m Emmeline. Come inside.

This is the home for my in-progress novel A Season of Shades.

I began this project in a fit of hubris, when I was reading a fantasy romance novel that shall remain nameless and thought “I could write better than this.” It’s been a surprisingly fun ride so far. You can read the currently-released chapters here.

Release Frequency

I’m loosely aiming to add a new chapter every 1-2 weeks.

I May Kill Your Darlings

Until the day I call the whole book “done”, I reserve the right to tweak events from earlier chapters to help the book’s flow and continuity. If that rewriting of history would be upsetting to you, maybe check back here in a year or two.

Spice Level: Not Zero

There will be sex in this book. Hot romantic sex, creepy demonic sex, and comically-weird Victorian sex. That’ll happen when you make one of your main characters a succubus. Despite there being sexy scenes, they’re still there to serve the story, and not vice versa.


Other than new chapter releases, I also put out blog posts on no particular schedule. Mostly those posts contain little gems I’ve discovered in my research into Victorian times. There are so many.

If all that sounds good to you, welcome aboard.

Most Recent Post: Utah's Banned Books

Utah’s book ban applies not just to what’s stocked in school libraries, but also any book brought onto school grounds. Even for parents. Read the whole thing.

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